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The Great Union Day

By Alexandra Mihaela


   When you first read it, you will be like:"What's that and why are people going crazy about it?"
   I have no doubts that you heard about it more than three times.
   Have you searched about it ? No problem. I will make your life more beautiful and I will make you a well-informed citizen.
   You already know we are celebrating our country on the 1st December, but more information it's always better . Actually it marks the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia and Bucovina with Romanian Kingdom in 1918. This holiday was set after the Romanian Revolution and commemorates the assembly of the delegates of ethnic Romanians held in Alba Iulia, which declared the Union of Transylvania with Romania.
   Now you can be proud. It may be mind blowing but now you know why everyone around you is so patriotic, why you've seen military parades and firework and what really happened one century ago. 
  When we see or heard something about December, most of us will think about Christmas, New year parties and fireworks and  the National Day, a day which is so important but we don't mind it.
   Nothing strange untill there?
   Well, there's a lot. We are so selfish these days and we only now 1st December is a free day of school or work. But why? Some people have risked their lives for  centuries for us to have peace and live in this beautiful and big country. We aren't thankful . We want an "amazing country " and when we grow up we want to live and work abroad. We want changes but we do nothing. We don't even have the same traditions. Just a selfie with a romanian flag in our hand for about 3 minutes and that's it.
   If you want to change our country, you should make the first move. I have a dare for you: take a notebook and write the things you like about Romania.  Think positive and for sure there will be more than 20 things on your sheet. 
   Be happy and a good citizen on our Great Union Day that is also our National Day.
   Happy Birthay to our Great Romania!

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