-how to be more productive and get high grades-
As we all know, the exam period is approaching with heavy steps, ready to crush our hopes of getting high grades and being productive. But don’t worry! I’m actually here to give you a helping hand in overcoming the stress and pressure you’re under.
Unfortunately, I’m no magician and I certainly don’t perform witchcraft (though it would’ve been hella cool). Therefore, I can’t make term papers disappear, but my advice can help you get through these hardships and, why not, get high marks. Let’s do our best togheter!
So…as a legend once said:

First of all, you have to find the cause of your unproductiveness. Is it because you’re spending too much time on the internet and you don’t have enough time for studying? Is it your tiredness that stops you from paying attention? Or maybe the fact that your notes are disorganized?
Secondly, come up with solutions in order to be more productive and energetic. If you’re spending too much time on the internet, limit your wi-fi dosage (the internet is truly the 21st century’s drug). Try installing certain apps that track your online activity or restrict your access. Didn’t you take notes in class? Pay closer attention next time or ask a classmate to help you. Don’t you understand that? Do more research. Everything is logical.
I recommend making your own bullet journal/ agenda so you can keep track of your responsibilities. You can also write down your habits, ideas, wishes and whatever things you find important.
Thirdly, work hard. If you don’t do that, there won’t be any good results. Sometimes, not even your blood, sweat and tears are enough to accomplish some things in life. You have to make sacrifices in order to taste the success.
Everything’s about thinking and logic. Let’s use our brains more than our hearts, at least for once.
These being said, let’s start with the actual tips!
1)Try reading instead of browsing the internet before going to sleep - You’re in bed, cuddling your beloved blanket, and you’re really, really bored (big mood). You don’t feel like going to sleep yet. Suddenly you hear your phone’s notification alert going off. What are you going to do? Reach for the phone? But where’s…oh! Here it is, stuck under the pile of books, notebooks and scribbled papers, reminding you of how much school work you have to do. You’re tempted to pick up the phone when all of a sudden the bedroom door opens, revealing a ghost. Yep, that’s me, telling you to put your phone down and grab that Romanian sheet, you’ve got a test paper tomorrow!
Instead of checking your social media accounts, try studying for a few minutes right before going to sleep. During the night, your brain synthesizes the new information, meaning you’ll remember whatever you reviewed before dozing off. Try making this a habit. Break up the notes into small chunks and review them every night before going to bed.
2)Don’t forget the tea (but don’t spill it) - When slack, go for something caffeine-filled; researches demonstrate that coffee and tea give us a burst of energy so we can study hard even for the worst subjects (plus they taste like pure heaven). You can also try drinking lemon infused cold water as it has the same beneficial effects.
3)Don’t you dare entering the kitchen - When stressed, the kitchen becomes a true inferno. Stress eating makes you gain weight, you’ll become bloated and sick, you’ll develop a beautiful double chin and a set of pimples. On the other hand, not eating enough leads to tiredness or even fainting, so make sure to eat well and don’t forget to drink water!
4)Chew mint gum – If you’re nervously biting your lips and you’re terribly craving some snacks, try chewing mint gum instead. Researches suggest that chewing gum may improve aspects of the cognitive function, meaning there’re higher chances that you’ll remember what you’ve reviewed and, the best part, you won’t gain any unwanted weight!
5)If it doesn’t work out, do it yourself - During study breaks, do some aerobics. It doesn’t have to be something complicated, just try to relax and stretch your body muscles. Researches show that both physical and mental effort combined improve our brain-processing speed and other important functions. Basically, the more squats you do, the smarter you get.
6)Listen to music while studying – It helps reducing anxiety and stress. Researches admit that you also finish your work earlier than usual. First of all, make sure your study space is peaceful and distraction-free. I personally recommend tuning in some Beethoven or Debussy (Claire de Lune is a bop), since classical music positively affects our brains. You can also try listening to nature sounds compilations or binaural beats.
7)A few naps a day keep the stress away – Coming back from school, you’re usually tired or in a bad mood. Rather than going straight to your desk, doze off 10-20 minutes. Have lunch, drink some tea, put some relaxing music and wrap yourself in your blanket like a burrito. Make sure to not sleep for more than 30 minutes because you’ll be even more tired then, so it’s a good choice to set an alarm to wake you up.
8)Take a cold shower – Cold water makes you more alert and literally „awakens” you. Researches show cold showers are healthy as they also improve our immunity and senses.
9)Create a study group - Gather your classmates and review togheter the information for certain test papers. If you all can’t physically meet, try videochatting instead. Organize interactive activities such as quizzes and learning games. Group work helps you learn in a funner way and it is also a good way to deepen your friendships.
10)Don’t pull all-nighters – If the work isn’t done by 12 am, let it die. Your health is so much more important than a grade. Rather than going deep into the night, try waking up earlier to finish what you are supposed to, but make sure you’re getting at least 6 hours of sleep. Staying up too late damages your brain. Even if the effects aren’t immediate, you’ll understand the consequences in a few years’ time.
The moral of the story is - identify what you’re doing wrong and change it. After all, that’s why we’re alive, to learn and become better versions of ourselves. If you don’t have the power to change yourself, it means you’re weak, and I’m sure you don’t want to be weak. Be strong and take the initiative!After all, if you don’t want your wellbeing, who would?
Sadly, I’m ending this article right here, although I wish I could write more. I really love writing and I perceive it as an indirect way of talking with you all. Don’t you like expressing yourselves, too? Hm, you should totally give it a try. You won’t regret!
I hope my words managed to find way into your brains and soften your sorrow. I’d love to get some positive replies, feel free to leave anything on my instagram - @itstinathetuna!
See you next month with another 10 great studying tips! I wish you lots of luck!
This is exactly the kind of motivation I needed!! Thank you ❤